A report has surfaced that exposes how a recent error on the new TV game show "Million Dollar Money Drop" cost the contestants involved a whopping $800,000...
According to the Huffington Post report:
On Monday's episode of new game show "Million Dollar Money Drop," contestants Gabe Okoye and Brittany Mayti bet $800,000 on the question: which product was sold in stores first, the Macintosh computer, the Post-It Note or the Sony Walkman?
The couple quickly dismissed the Macintosh and then debated between the Post-It and the Walkman, with Okoye confident enough that it was the Post-It to risk $800,000 on the answer. The show said he was wrong, but, it turns out, he was right.
As a result, the show has invited the couple back for a second chance. The executive producer, Jeff Apploff, released the following statement:
"Unfortunately, the information our research department originally obtained from 3M regarding when Post-it notes were first sold was incomplete. As a result of new information we have received from 3M, we feel it is only fair to give our contestants, Gabe and Brittany, another shot to play 'Million Dollar Money Drop' even though this question was not the deciding question in their game. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the viewers who brought this to our attention, and we're thrilled to give Gabe and Brittany the opportunity to return to play the game."
The affected couple will be invited back on the show to take another shot at the prize, but one question remains: What happens to the couple if this waste of tv time is pulled from the air before they get a chance to try to redeem themselves?
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